Monday, April 28, 2008

Welcome !!!

Although its a bit late in the day to join the BLOGGING bandwagon, but as they say "Better Late Than Never". 

I am a firm believer that the knowlegde curve should never ever have a zero slope or for that matter even a negative one. So with this in mind, I am hoping that this BLOG will always provide a non-zero incremental delta to my knowlegde curve as well as to those who might be interested in reading this from time to time. The FLAVOR of the BLOG was a difficult choice and after some brainstorming I have decided to choose WIRELESS TECHNOLOGY as its flavor.

Sincere efforts will be made in articulating the technical jargan about a topic so that it will not only benefit me but all those who will spend their valuable time in reading this.  I would highly appreciate if the comments and suggestions are constructive which will be a collective effort from your side in gaining deeper insight into the topic. 


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